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Eglinton Primary School, Eglinton

Poetry in Motion

1st Oct 2018

Today Year 4 began the Poetry In Motion initiative, funded by the Community Arts Project.  They will be working with published poet, Denise Blake, for the four Mondays in October.  Later in the year, some of them will be recorded reading out their own work, and there will be a showcase event in Belfast, celebrating the achievements of all the schools involved in the project.  Some of our poetry will be published in an anthology, too! 

This morning we started with examining pieces of popcorn to see what they reminded us of.  Next we wrote a shared poem about the clouds.  Then we wrote a poem about what it is like to be happy and sad, and finally we wrote a poem about our hands (what they can do; like doing, used to do, and will be able to do in the future).  The children thoroughly enjoyed the workshop, and produced some imaginative poems.